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Legislative Information

Legislative News and Updates from the 89th Texas Legislative Session

Legislative News and Updates from the 89thundefinedTexas Legislative Session

Bushland ISD Legislative News

Engaging our Bushland ISD community in advocacy efforts is a top priority for the district. This web page provides our constituents and families with information and resources related to the legislative policy-making process and the impact those policies have on our district, schools, and students.


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House and Senate Budget Bills Filed

Both the House and Senate filed their budget bills this week: SB 1 by Sen. Joan Huffman and HB 1 by Rep. Gregg Bonnen. The one task the Legislature is constitutionally required to complete every regular session is to adopt a budget. The state budget bill is usually one of the last measures to pass in a legislative session, so there will be ongoing negotiations on the bills throughout the session.



Here are some excellent resources for following the Texas Legislature. You can watch floor sessions and committee meetings, read and track bills, and much more on these websites.